Saturday, June 27, 2015

We are so excited to Introduce our newest member of My Besties International, Clairebears!

Please help me welcome the super talented, Clairebears to our team!  

Here is some of her awesome work:
using image 566
 using image 647


My name is Claire, but you may know me as Clairebears, I am lucky enough to work part time which leaves me lots of time to craft.  The earliest memory I have of crafting was making paper clothes for my poor Sindy Doll.

I started trying to make cards about 20 years ago with cross stitch but I found that it took too long, so papercrafting took over, and I can't remember the last time I brought a card!

My favourite part of crafting is now colouring and I can loose hours still colouring a image up. My first ever memory of colouring was as a child was when I sat colouring in a fish in my colouring book, I couldn't colour it normally though - it ended up stripey! 

I have been so lucky to ask to join the Besties International Team and I really can't wait to colour them and then share them with you and hopefully you will fall in love with them as much as I have.

Please visit Clairebears blog here:

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Please Meet My Besties Designer, Andrea Nordhaus featuring Sherri Baldy's New SVG files

We have invited a My Besties Designer, Andrea Nordhaus, from Germany to visit us and share a bit about herself and her creations!

First let's see some of her wonderful creations using the latest released images:
using img Fae Fairy
 using image 642

 3D View

using image 642

Here is her message to us in English and German!

My name is Andrea and I am on the "My Besties Friendship" Design team, "My Besties 3D and more" and My Besties DT on Facebook. I'm a big fan of the wonderful My Besties motives and it gives me a lot of fun to color them and to put it on my projects in scene.
Now a little about myself.
I live in North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany. I am happily married and have no children. But  I am educator by profession. I work in a daycare center. There, I am responsible for 25 children.  My job gives me a lot of fun. Although it's sometimes very loud and wild is.
To relax and to compensate, I'm very happy to work creatively in my spare time.

I experiment a lot and i also like it, totally foreign stamp techniques to try out,.

It gives me a lot of fun to put the stamp motifs in scene or introduce them as a design point of a packaging or other things.
Also I like challenge. I enjoy to work after a sketch. It's fun, the different materials, as designer paper, cardstock, Flowers, ribbon, lace, stamp motive, etc. to put together, and then a card create with these materials.
Other hobbies are different crafts techniques such as knitting the socks, crochet flower and snow crystals, Hardanger, cross stitch and occhi.

Likewise, I love everything about motorcycling. Together with my husband and friends, we love it, to make a motorcycle tour.

I hope you can make a picture of me and my person.. I consider myself very lucky that I can be active as a guest designer here. Of course, I have for you, even a work of inspiration myself ....
And here you can find my Blog:
Mein Name ist Andrea und ich bin im "My Besties Friendship" Design-Team, My besties "3D and more und im My Besties DT on Facebokk.

Ich bin ein großer Fan von den wunderschönen My Besties Motive und es macht mir viel Spaß, sie zu colorieren und sie auf meine Projekte in Szene zusetzen.

Nun ein wenig über mich.

Ich lebe in NRW in Deutschland. Ich bin glücklich verheiratet und habe keine Kinder. Aber von Beruf bin ich schon seit 30 Jahren Erzieherin und arbeite in einer Kita als Gruppenleitung und stellvertretene Leitung.

Zur Entspannung und als Ausgleich, bin ich sehr gerne in meiner Freizeit kreativ tätig.

Ich experimentiere sehr gerne und versuche mich an den unterschiedlichsten Techniken im Bereich des Bastelns und Stempelns. Es macht mir sehr viel Spaß, die Stempelmotive in Szene zu setzen oder sie als Gestaltungspunkt auf Verpackungen und anderen Dingen, mit einzubringen.

Auch liebe ich Herausforderungen, so setze ich mich sehr gerne mit den verschiedenen Techniken und Materialien auseinander und ich bleibe dann solange dabei, bis ich ein Ergebnis erzielt habe.

Gerne beschäftige ich mich aber auch mit verschiedenen Handarbeistechniken, wie das Socken stricken, Flower und Schneekristalle häkeln, Hardanger, Occhi, Kreuzstich und natürlich das Nähen.

Aber auch Motorradfahren liebe ich über alles. Gemeinsam mit meinem Mann und Freunden unternehmen wir sehr gerne Motorradtouren.

Ich hoffe, ihr könnt euch nun ein Bild von mir und meiner Person machen ..

Ich schätze mich sehr glücklich, dass ich heute hier als Gast tätig sein darf. Natürlich habe ich auch einige Werk zur Inspiration für euch.

Meinen Blog könnt ihr hier finden:

Hugs, Andrea!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Sherri Baldy's My Besties International - Lucky Challenge #13- Always Anything Goes*

Challenge #13 Always Anything Goes with a My Besties image!
Our challenges is ALWAYS Anything Goes with a My Besties!
All Design Team Members are welcome to enter.
Our winners are picked by a random generator.

The winner of our challenges will win 5 free digis from Sherri Baldy's Etsy Store!

Rules for challenges are listed above as a page tab.  Mainly, you are to use a Sherri Baldy's My Besties  and make a link to this blog on your blog post.

Take a look at what our Design Team made to inspire you, please take some time to visit their blogs and leave a comment.  Thank you!

using clear stamp "Tiny Tilda"

using img 817

using B3 3D Sheet
3D view

Please no Back-linking... this means that your post must be dated June 22 or later for this challenge. You can enter but you will not be eligible for our prizes. 

This linky list is now closed.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Congratulations to the Winner and Top 3 of Challenge #12

Thank you to everyone that entered our last challenge!

Congratulations to our Winner and Top 3 of our Always Anything Goes challenge #12.  

Don't forget to grab your badge from the toolbar pages under the header above! 

Winner ONLY-  Please contact for your prize.
Winner badge is here.
Top 3 DT picks your badge is here
Winner can select 5 Digis from Sherri Baldy's Etsy store:

Our Top 3 cards are below..  Congratulations! 
Your prize is the Top 3 Badge found here

Our new challenge begins on Monday.. Always Anything Goes!

Friday, June 19, 2015

Please welcome our newest Design Team Member, Suzi!

We are so excited to introduce our newest Design Team Member, Suzi!  
I have seen many of her wonderful creations and she is so super talented.
Please welcome her by leaving a comment! 

My Besties image "Little Miss Tulip"
This is a beautifully decorated My Besties bag!

Here is a special note from Suzi:

I am retired after working as a Professional Singer for 40yrs!!  Married to my soul mate and best friend for 42yrs, we have 2 grown up children and 3 beautiful Grandchildren.  I started crafting 6 years ago when I needed something to occupy my spare time!! little did I know that it would take over my life in a fabulous way and become my passion.  I love to colour using many different mediums, I  also love scrapbooking, altering, mixed media.  As you can tell I have a deep love of crafting.

Please visit Suzi at her blog to see her wonderful creations!
Suzi's Blog - Suzi Mac Creations

Welcome to Challenge #12 Always Anything Goes w/a My Besties Image!

Challenge #12 Always Anything Goes with a My Besties image- June 8- 19

Our challenges will ALWAYS be Anything Goes with a My Besties image!
All Design Team Members are welcome to enter.
Our winners are picked by a random generator.

The winner of our challenges will win 5 free digis from Sherri Baldy's Etsy Store!

Rules for challenges are listed above as a page tab.  Mainly, you are to use a Sherri Baldy's My Besties and the challenge theme...make a link to this blog on your blog post. 

Take a look at what our Design Team made to inspire you, please take some time to visit their blogs and leave a comment.  Thank you!

using image- Molly Love Bug

Please no Back-linking... this means that your post must be dated June 8 or later for this challenge. You can enter but you will not be eligible for our prizes. 

This linky list is now closed.

Friday, June 12, 2015

It is always exciting to feature Gina Knots My Besties cards!

We love it when Gina Knots visits our challenge blog and shares her cards with us! 
It's like a little piece of art!

Gina is using My Besties image 693 available here.

To see more details about Gina's card please visit her blog by clicking here.

My Besties image 693
Don't forget to enter our current Challenge #12.. Anything Goes with a My Besties Image.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Sherri Baldy's New Release "Sugar Britches" now available!

I would love to introduce you to Sherri Baldy's Newest release called, "Sugar Britches"! 

To view the entire release from the My Besties Facebook Girls team please check out this video with the direct link to all of the new images in Sherri Baldy's Etsy Store:

Link to the entire collection.. click here.

Several of our My Besties International Design Team members have created some beautiful cards using Sherri's new images:

DT Antionette's cards:

DT Irene's Card and coloring:

DT Julie's Cards:

DT Marion's Cards-

DT Bonnie's Cards: